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Insights by Delta Labs
Learn more about our latest research publications, articles, media coverage, and talks.
The importance of the human factor in the age of AI: Insights from the top management
The challenge to AI implementation is not technology. It’s about how you get your people and AI to collaborate.
Why we're more honest with machines than people | TED
For a genuine conversation, consider talking to a robot; the less humanized, the better. Anne Scherer shares her findings.
Rise of the machines: Delegating decisions to autonomous AI
The circumstances and system design crucially affect efficiency improvements achieved through the use of AI.
Can AI debias human decision making?
Across 9 studies with a total of over 10’000 participants, including 400 US managers, we show using AI can debias decision making.
Reactance to humans versus Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer shares her research at CHM Seminar for Humans and Machines.
The Effect of AI on Selective Belief Updating
Our insights published show why AI can reduce irrational risk-taking and improve managerial decision making.
Sara vs. Siri
Prof. Dr. Anne Scherer im Connecta Talk zum Thema Sara vs. Siri
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