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Our Bestseller "You & AI"

We are excited to share that "You & AI," authored by Anne and Cindy, the co-founders of Delta Labs, has reached bestseller status!


"You & AI" serves as a catalyst for fostering a profound dialogue about the role and impact of AI in our society. Our objective is to ignite a comprehensive conversation that extends beyond the technical elite, engaging people from all walks of life.


We express our sincere gratitude for the media coverage, the unwavering support of our readers, and everyone who has embraced "You & AI," actively contributing to the vital discourse surrounding AI's integration into our daily lives and its broader implications across society.

English version

You & AI: A Guide to Understanding How Artificial Intelligence Is Shaping Our Lives

Deutsche Version

You & AI: Alles über Künstliche Intelligenz und wie sie unser Leben prägt

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